Digital iPad Punchlist or Linewalk Process with Ei Everywhere

Digital iPad Punchlist or Linewalk Process with Ei Everywhere

Blog Topic
January 1, 2023
Eric Allen
At Ei, we’re obsessed with finding a better, easier way do do things. It pains our experts when we hear of slow, paper-based processes, when better technology exists and is easy to implement. With Ei Everywhere’s iOS application, users are able to perform digital linewalks during the Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) in the Management of Change (MOC) process or during Pre-Startup linewalks (as part of a Turnaround, pitstop, or Capital project).
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Instead of juggling hand-highlighted P&IDs and waiting for issues to be addressed at the end of each shift, with Ei Everywhere, all stakeholders can be notified instantly of any identified issues. The field user simply snaps a photo of the issue and adds a P&ID markup, and all stakeholders are instantly notified via email (or text message). With easy-to-configure properties, Ei Everywhere can be easily configured to work within your site’s existing workflows, helping your team address issues immediately, decreasing commissioning time, and helping you achieve your goals. Click the video below to see: