Industry-Leading Support
The Team
We provide trained LDAR Professionals: inventory experts who execute all phases of the project. Our team has decades of experience, and since we only focus on LDAR Retags and Inventory projects, our team is focused on getting it right, all the time. Our LDAR Professionals are empowered by oversight from our experts and support team. We leverage all these to enhance productivity, communication, and compliance.
Project Management
We don’t like surprises, and we know you don’t either. Throughout the project, we provide detailed project tracking and updates so you know what our team is working on and what's coming next. With our tools, hitting tight deadlines is not a challenge, and we leave little to guesswork and “end-of-project” surprises.
We believe that Project Safety is about more than just company culture - Safety is a choice made by each and every professional each and every day. We are fortunate to boast a track record of ZERO INCIDENTS in our company's history. We maintain active enrollment in contractor pre-qualification systems such as ISNetworld and PICS Auditing, and each of our professionals have active status with Transportation Worker Identification Credentials (TWIC), random drug testing programs administered by DISA and other agencies, as well as OSHA and other requisite safety training to perform onsite work.
Standard-Operating Procedures
Our LDAR experts will work at the beginning of the project to build a set of project-customized flagging, tagging, and documenting Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) from our extensive library of go-bys. These SOPs will guide training of our team and software customization to ensure quality and consistency is maximized. Leave no regulatory “Grey Area” up to chance.
The Technology That Drives Your Project
Emphasis on Quality Controls
We program custom, project-specific quality controls into our FieldTech Toolbox™ software to prevent bad data from being collected and warn the technician if potentially incorrect data is inputted. What are some of our standard quality controls?
Tag Number Validation - We pre-program the acceptable tag numbers before the project, so typos don’t lead to future compliance issues.
Ensure Only Valid Old Tags are Documented - Since the entire database is loaded into the FieldTech Toolbox™ tablet, any Old Tag that is documented during a retag is validated to ensure it is accurately entered.
Ghost Tag Validation - If the OldTag is hanging on the component but is not in the database, our software has the LDAR Professional double-check to ensure the component is not a “Ghost Tag”.
Prevent Duplicate New Tags or Old Tags - If two technician’s overlap in the field, FieldTech Toolbox™ instantly notifies them that they’re trying to document a tag that has already been documented, saving time and future compliance.
Prevent Duplicate Location Descriptions - To ensure we have accurate, detailed location descriptions, FieldTech Toolbox™ can prevent duplicate locations from being collected.
Ei’s Location Builder Adds Consistency and Detail - With our Location Builder enabled in FieldTech Toolbox™, your project’s documentation SOP is always enforced, ensuring consistent, accurate location descriptions.
Regulation-Specific Controls - Is your site subject to a local or state regulation? We can program in quality controls into FieldTech Toolbox™ to maximize compliance.
Component Class / Type Controls - With FieldTech Toolbox™ we can “lock down” the documentation SOP’s allowable component types, such as preventing valves from being documented as children.
Prevent Orphan Tags - FieldTech Toolbox™ is designed to eliminate orphan tags.
Ensure Valid DTM/ UTM Reasons are Documented - We pre-program your DTM and UTM access reasons into FieldTech Toolbox™ and ensure a valid reason is documented with every applicable component.
For every project, we’ll work with you to ensure any quality control you would like implemented is incorporated into our LDAR Professional’s tablets - to prevent rework and ensure consistent data collection.
Intelligent P&IDs Drive Efficiency & Unmatched Quality
Intelligent P&IDs reduce manual (and error prone) data entry. Over 80% of the information collected during a retag is automatically populated using intelligent P&IDs. This eliminates the time-consuming process of manually transcribing P&ID data from the P&ID to the datalogger or flagging cards.Intelligent P&IDs allow for industry-leading project tracking, enhanced QA/QC and compliance assurance, and produce industry-leading project deliverables including P&IDs with LDAR tag annotations.
We Link the LDAR Tag Numbers and P&IDs
When our LDAR professionals document a component, our FieldTech Toolbox™ software links the component with the object (valve, pump, compressor, RV, flange, transmitter block) that was clicked on. This allows us to ensure that the LDAR-applicable lines and components shown on the P&ID have been documented.We run our “Blue Circle Valve Report” at the end of the project, letting us identify individual components which may have been missed. No more missed high-point bleeds. Furthermore, by having the LDAR tags linked to the P&ID, we can ensure that the information documented is consistent with what’s on the P&ID.
Quality Assurance Tools
All data collected is analyzed by our industry-leading software and our team of experts to maximize compliance and consistency. When we use intelligent P&IDs, we ensure every LDAR-applicable component on the P&ID has been documented – an unprecedented level of quality assurance that is unmatched in industry.
Final Deliverables
At the end of an Ei retag, you get industry-leading enhanced deliverables, including industry-leading electronic P&ID highlights with LDAR tag annotations, a detailed closeout report documenting applicability determinations and all phases of the project, and tools to efficiently and accurately manage inventory changes moving forward.
Electronic, Searchable, Sustainable P&ID Markups
Instead of handing over a stack of paper, Sharpie highlighted- P&ID highlights at the end of the project, we deliver electronically highlighted P&IDs generated from our LDAR Intelligence™ software. With free viewing software, you can search these P&IDs, making future updates and MOC changes a breeze. At the end of the project, we’ll automatically incorporate the LDAR tag numbers into these P&IDs, generating best-in-industry LDAR-tag annotated P&ID deliverables for you. Attachment A contains an example P&ID deliverable.
Engineering Closeout Report
Throughout the project, we document key project and applicability information for your future reporting and reference needs. For instance:
- Overview of the Scope of Work Performed
- Documentation of Drawings Reviewed and Highlighted
- Documentation of Close-out QA/QC Reports
- Key LDAR Applicability Determinations
- Overview of Any MSDS / SDS Sheets Reviewed for Applicability
- Any other critical compliance or reporting data.
Attachment B includes the cover page, example closeout report.
Updated LeakDAS® or GuideWare™ Database
Our FieldTech Manager™ software is used to import project-collected (and QA/QC’d) data into Quarantine or the Upload Bin, with the click of a button. Any retagged components are processed as an edit automatically, meaning our software automatically merges the monitoring history, saving back-end database work or costly re-monitoring.
Safety Observances and Documentation
Our LDAR Professionals take safety to heart on any project. Throughout the project, we utilize our Ei Safety program to track safety meetings, near misses, and other safety reports - with the goal of driving safety culture on our team. We deliver documentation of these reports and meetings to you throughout the project, driving safety culture on all parties involved in the project.
Despite all of the added-benefits detailed above, including enhanced compliance, support by our LDAR experts throughout the project, and sustainable compliance tools - Ei’s LDAR Projects continue to prove that choosing Ei is more cost effective than other service providers. How? We believe in the power of technology to empower our dedicate team, and use our collective knowledge to cut down on the waste that often plagues LDAR Projects.